
úterý 8. prosince 2015

Bastien on the Cover

The picture of our veteran Bastien Winter Garden was selected as a COVER for the calendar for year 2016 of the American Coton Club!!! The creators liked this picture on my Facebook profile and asked me to sent them the original copy, however, I never would have guessed it would be selected as the biggest cover picture. I am incredibly happy! This calendar includes pictures from cotons all around the word and being on the cover is a great honor! For those who might be interested, you can order this calendar HERE.
Fotka našeho veterána Bastiena Winter Garden bola vybratá na TITULNÚ STRANU kalendára Amerického Coton Clubu na rok 2016!!! Tvorcom sa zapáčila fotka uverejnená na mojom profile na Facebooku a poprosili ma aby som im poslala originál, ale to, že bude použitá ako titulná najväčšia fotka v kalendári som vôbec netušila. Mám z toho obrovskú radosť! Do tohoto kalendára posielajú fotky cotonkári z celého sveta a byť na titulke je pre nás veľká česť! Pre tých, ktorý by mali záujem, tento kalendár sa dá objednať TU.