Today shortly after the midnight was born our first litter. Giulietta was doing an amazing job. Within one hour all five puppies were born - two boys and three girls. Giulietta is a great mom and with her puppies she is doing wonderfully. All puppies have marks, where both boys are on the opposite sides of the extreme - the whitest puppy and the puppy with the most marks. First pictures of couple of hours old puppies:
Dnes krátko po polnoci sa nám narodili naše prvé šteniatka. Giulietta rodila úplne na jedničku, v priebehu hodinky vykuklo na svet všetkých päť šteniatok - dvaja chlapci a tri dievčatká. Giulietta je skvelá mamička a spolu so šteniatkami sa má výborne. Všetky šteniatka sú so znakmi, pričom chalani sú na opačných stranách extrému - najbelšie a najznakatejšie šteniatko. Prvé foto pár hodín starých šteniatok:
All together --- Všetci spolu
Boys Admiel and Ailani --- Chlapci Admiel a Ailani
Girls Aiola, Anai, and Arya --- Dievčatá Aiola, Anai a Arya