
pátek 30. srpna 2013

♥ 4th Day ♥

Boys --- Chlapci
Girls --- Dievčatá

čtvrtek 29. srpna 2013

Our proud mom

Giulietta is a wonderful mother. She is with puppies day and night - only leaves the whelping box when we go outside. We are very careful with her - proving everything she needs right in the box. She has to keep an eye on each puppy at every second.
Giulietta je výborná matka. Je so šteniatkami deň a noc - opúšťa pôrodnicu iba na nevyhnutý čas venčenia vonku. Dávame na ňu veľký pozor - všetko potrebné jej dávame priamo v pôrodnici. Pozorne stráži každé jedno šteniatko a musí mať s nimi vždy vizuálny kontakt.

středa 28. srpna 2013

♥ 2nd Day ♥

Boys --- Chlapci
Girls --- Dievčatá

úterý 27. srpna 2013

!!!We Have Puppies!!!

Today shortly after the midnight was born our first litter. Giulietta was doing an amazing job. Within one hour all five puppies were born - two boys and three girls. Giulietta is a great mom and with her puppies she is doing wonderfully. All puppies have marks, where both boys are on the opposite sides of the extreme - the whitest puppy and the puppy with the most marks. First pictures of couple of hours old puppies:
Dnes krátko po polnoci sa nám narodili naše prvé šteniatka. Giulietta rodila úplne na jedničku, v priebehu hodinky vykuklo na svet všetkých päť šteniatok - dvaja chlapci a tri dievčatká. Giulietta je skvelá mamička a spolu so šteniatkami sa má výborne. Všetky šteniatka sú so znakmi, pričom chalani sú na opačných stranách extrému - najbelšie a najznakatejšie šteniatko. Prvé foto pár hodín starých šteniatok:

All together --- Všetci spolu

Boys Admiel and Ailani --- Chlapci Admiel a Ailani

Girls Aiola, Anai, and Arya --- Dievčatá Aiola, Anai a Arya

pátek 23. srpna 2013

Pregnant Lady

Our Giulietta had today a spa day. We have tried with success new cosmetics - it really suits her. She already has quite a pregnant belly and we can feel the puppies' movements. The day "d" is arriving soon. All is prepared and we are curious what will puppy stork bring.
Naša Giulietta mala dnes spa deň. S úspechom sme vyskúšali novú kozmetiku - veľmi jej pristane. Bruško má už parádne a môžeme nahmatať pohyby šteniatok. Deň "d" sa čokoro blíži. Máme už všetko nachystané a sme zvedaví na naše prvé šteniatka.

Also the picture of puppy belly: --- A ešte obligátna fotka bruška: